[Poetry] Breathe

Colors flashed—
The freedom of a white canvas, the void of a black night sky, the flickering rays of a yellow sun, the blurry line of a blue horizon, the angry strokes of a red paintbrush

Lifelines tangled in a spider’s web

Broken hearts shattering to the agony of thousands

To what end should ignorance be repaid with death?

One more life stolen


© Jade M. Wong

A recap for those unfamiliar with the situation unfolding on my side of the world: in Minneapolis, a black man named George Floyd was pinned down by a white police officer’s knee on his neck and Floyd died, unable to breathe. A video of the incident was released, showing three other officers involved, including those of Asian-descent, and also showed Floyd stating he couldn’t breathe as an officer continued to kneel on his neck. Since Floyd’s death, the four officers were fired, there’s a call for criminal charges to be brought against the officers, and peaceful protests have escalated to riots, looting, and a city on fire. For more information, read here.

My friend, Rosemarie, wrote a poem in response to this situation and inspired me to do the same. As Rosemarie said, “words are all that I have. Words are all that I can offer.”

15 thoughts on “[Poetry] Breathe

  1. The video of George Floyd’s death is haunting…years ago my partner and I came upon a similar scene, we stood by the officer imploring him to let his victim breathe, thank goodness he heard our pleas and gave the unfortunate gentleman some space…I will drop by and read Rosemarie’s poem, too, it’s important! Thank you for sharing your poignant words, Jade.

    • I couldn’t watch the video, I don’t want to watch someone be murdered. I’m glad to hear you and your partner were able to make a difference to that man’s life years ago.

      Thank you for reading, Kim.

      • We didn’t choose to watch the video, it unfortunately appeared as we were watching the news…when the news stations re-cap the events, we turn to another channel or shut off our TV…so many of us wish we could’ve been nearby, it warms my heart that the many would’ve have jumped in gladly to save George Floyd’s life instead of the few who chose not to help.

  2. I found out about all this waay after I should have. I hope for justice, but also peace, but also systemic improvement – and I fear which ones might not be accomplished.

  3. Oh dear Jade i have watched the video and it is really heartbreaking. Now the demand for justice has become the demand not only of his family but of the whole world.

    Another life stolen…

    • I couldn’t bring myself to watch the video because it’s so heartbreaking and infuriating. It truly is another life stolen.

      Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts, my dear Mich. I always enjoy your comments.

      • Sending you my love and prayers…aside from this, i also am reading from the news that some Asians are facing the same discrimination too for suppose to be the one who brought covid to US.

        Take careJade…💕💕💕

        • Unfortunately, yes that is true. Before George Floyd’s death, the Asian-American community was facing a lot of racist attacks due to covid, which was infuriating as well and scary. We have a lot of work to do in this country.

          Thank you for your love and prayers 💜

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