When The Magic Wears Off: A J.K. Rowling & Harry Potter Post

This is not a rant. This will be concise and to the point.

Since June, a Twitter storm swirled around J.K. Rowling for her tweets regarding transgender issues. Three months later, the storm is nearing Category 5. I won’t detail the timeline of this storm, but here is a link to the tip of the iceberg. You can decide if you want to dig deeper.

So what is the point of this post? The point is, I followed the Twitter storm.

The Harry Potter books are more than just books to me. They are the reason I started writing, since they inspired me to write my first fanfiction about 15 years ago. The Patronus Charm from the books got me through many nights with my inner dementors. So, I read all the tweets, I read J.K. Rowling’s lengthy blog post defending her stance, I read the criticism, and I struggled to separate the creator from the creation, the nostalgia from the reality, the fangirl from the human being.

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[Poetry] Ingredients To My Poetry

The love is for all those whose hearts
Are tough from being torn apart
By heartbreak’s touch, by betrayal’s agony,
And are too scared to once again start.

The strength is for all those whose nights
Are full of terrors and invisible frights,
Who spend their days enduring silently
To stay alive in an endless fight.

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Harry Potter and the Cursed Child—A Spoiler Free Review

On April 27, 2019, I passed by Lyric Theatre for the first time since Harry Potter and the Cursed Child opened, saw the amazing marquee outside, and promised myself to watch the play eventually. 

On November 3, 2019, through a combination of budgeting and timely discounts, I watched the play! (Broadway prices are no joke, let me tell ya.)

Today, I finally blow the dust off my photos and share my spoiler-free review. Here we go!

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Jade Goes To New York Comic Con in 2019!

Last year, the best friend and I crossed something significant off our bucket lists: Attend New York Comic Con. This year, I crossed off another thing: Cosplay! (Cosplay, or costume play, is the act of dressing up as a fictional character.)

Since this was my first time cosplaying, I had to bring the Harry Potter love, and unsurprisingly to anyone, I chose a Ravenclaw student as my first cosplay. What do you guys think?

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