[Poetry] Asian-American

When I was a child, being Asian-American meant breaking wooden chopsticks over a noodle lunchbox, sunny yellow dresses to bring out the sunny yellow of my skin, and laughing with my colorful classmates because we didn’t know yet we were different.

When I grew older, being Asian-American meant seeing for the first time my father’s oil-stained hands from days of toil, and my mother’s quiet strength as she built a home in the middle of a strange language.Read More »

I’m Glad I Live In A World Where There Are Octobers—Year 2019

From Halloween and New York Comic Con preparations to studying for midterms and digging out scarves, October means a lot of things to a lot of people. For me, October is the month of new beginnings—it is to me what January is to most people.

My year starts in October because this is my birthday month. This was the month I was born, the month I started life, and so every year, this is the month I reflect on how I have lived, make my resolutions for a happier, healthier life, and then start again. Read More »