[Poetry] The Choice

On the bathroom floor,
Glass shard in hand,
It catches the light,
Is this the end?

And the tears, they
Bounce off the glass.
Shutting my eyes, I’ll
Just make this fast.

What of the dreams
I’ve yet to dream?
What of the world
I’ve yet to see?

I lift the glass
Away from my skin.
This night, I choose
To breathe and begin.

© Jade M. Wong

From my debut poetry collection, Glowstick

This is a choice I was able to make after a decade of battling my inner demons. And now, I extend that choice to you. Will you choose to breathe and begin with me too?

Featured Image by Nikko Macaspac

105 thoughts on “[Poetry] The Choice

  1. This speaks to so many people struggling with depression. The choice between life and death. The line between the two sometimes gets blurred. Your poem breaths life into hope.

  2. I’m always glad your poems end on a hopeful note – it definitely could’ve taken a dark turn, but either way, it would have still been beautiful and heartbreakingly tragic. Sometimes choosing the right thing is obvious to us, but for someone struggling with depression, it’s hard – and incredibly brave too.

    • I’m a sucker for happy endings and positive linings lol I think it’s because reality is so bleak and I know it doesn’t always end well…so in fiction, I like to give it a hopeful note 🙂

      Thank you for reading Chris! Your comment made me smile today!

  3. Wow. It felt like my breathing was snatched, as I read this. Whew. What a heart wrenching poem. Reminds me of two words- begin again.
    We can always begin again

  4. Very vivid imagery of your surroundings and emotions. Your words make the readers ask themselves the same questions the protagonist is asking herself. It was a great read.

  5. You started with the end and ended with a new beginning. Everyone needs to reach rock bottom before they can move upwards. A brave poem, Jade.

  6. Knowing that the cycle of life does not end with each ending but will begin again always is enough to remind us to breathe and just be. I really do appreciate how you have sculpted this poem with a true heart.

    • I think there’s a little truth in everything we write, you have to instill a bit of yourself in every piece of art, right? Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts as well. I’m glad you begun again too 🙂

      • My sentiment too, I am so glad it is a metamorphic expression else I’d be down to my toes, but yes, with every word, every stroke of the brush we give a little of ourselves. As for beginning again, yes, and loving life.

  7. I really, really like this. I suffer from depression & this speaks to me. Thank you for this. I’m new to WordPress but a lot of what I’ll be writing will deal with my struggles, life, what’s going on in my mind. Follow me if you’d like 🙂

  8. http://www.english.emory.edu/classes/Handbook/meter.html

    I think it is fun to use rhyming and traditional poetic metre when writing, because it is seldom used in contemporary poetry, however I get the sense of swerving in-between a broken metre and free verse in this poem. This can be a fun idea, however there is a difference between consciously writing this way and doing it out of ignorance of form.

    What of the dreams
    I’ve yet to dream?
    What of the world
    I’ve yet to see?

    This is perfect Iambic pentameter, but it is the only one of all your verses that is consistent. I’m curious if that is what you’re going for?

    • Thank you for that perspective! I actually wasn’t going for iambic pentameter for this particular poem. I was instead focused on keeping each line short (4 words per line) to give it the impression that each line was a breath. That’s one of the things I was aiming to convey.

  9. Miss Jade M. Wong your poem “the choice” is absolutely amazing… in my opinion! You are very talented so long may it continue. I love “What of the dreams I’ve yet to dream?”… its like something I would love to come up with! Once again keep it up 🙂


  10. […] I think that the length of the poem really emphasises how quickly mental illness can take hold, how impulsive it can be and how sometimes all it takes is the right motivation, the right dream, to realise that life has more to offer than death. Jade’s poem is beautiful and hopeful, leaving you to think over the possibilities the future could hold. Click to read the full poem here. […]

      • I have read quite a few of your poems and I think they are exquisite. I will definitely be reading more.

        I am very new to blogging, though. But I am flattered by your visit all the same. 🙂 I hope to post regularly.

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