[Poetry] Pretty

She says she’s not pretty
But if only she knew
The way I bite my lip
When she smiles with hers
The way she teases me
Like a taboo.

She says she’s not pretty
But then her eyes lock on mine
And in them I see
Every reason I need
To know why I lived
All this time

© 2020 Jade M. Wong

Good morning everyone, how are we doing today?

In case you haven’t heard, the USA elected Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for President and Vice President, respectively. I’d like to say a thank you to all my fellow Americans who voted. Thank you for showing that human decency is still alive.

P.S. Let’s not forget Georgia, which has two runoffs in January that will determine control of the Senate. The fight is not over, but still, a virtual hug to all ~

47 thoughts on “[Poetry] Pretty

  1. Aww… my heart flutters with this piece. <3 Haha. And I soooo love your everyday banter with your muse. Send her my kisses, will you dear. :*

  2. oh she is pretty indeed for she is pretty in your eyes and you see her heart that’s so beautiful pure and lovely. I loved this Jade for the sincerity and just simple beauty of your words.

  3. Thank you so much for this post and for your end note!! Yes, a sigh of relief, but still a battle to fight for the Georgia Senate seats if anything is going get done! Guessing you are as happy as I am!!
    xoxox 😘💕🌹😁

      • I love your “little corner of WP”!! Yes, That Senate runoff feels like a rollercoaster combined with a horror show! I’m keeping fingers and toes crossed! Hope you are staying safe!
        Have a great week!
        xoxox 😘💕🌹😁✨

  4. 1) Aww, that poem!

    2) AMERICAAAAA YASSSS – we at least voted for something good! I have faith we’ll always get better. Unless we get Trump 2024 or something awful like that.

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